Jay-Z was also a guest of Chris Martin at event

He rolled on Sunday night (09) the closing of the Paralympic Games in London, which featured Coldplay as musical attraction of the ceremony.
Chris Martin and Co. raised the audience with 16 of his biggest hits, including "Yellow", "Viva La Vida" and "Clocks". Rihanna joined the band for a performance of "Princess Of China (feat. Rihanna)," the last single from the album "Mylo Xyloto", and then showed her hit "We Found Love (feat. Calvin Harris)."
Jay-Z was also another guest of Chris Martin and performed "Run This Town (feat. Rihanna & Kanye West)," success of 2009 which also features Rihanna participation besides Kanye West. The rapper also made a remix with Coldplay for the song "Paradise", and soon after the show ended with the tracks "The Scientist" and "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall".
Check out the performances of "Princess Of China (feat. Rihanna)" and "Run This Town (feat. Rihanna & Kanye West)":
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